Monday, December 17, 2007


Welcome to the Pearson Biggest Loser (PBL) blog. Here is where we will post weekly weight loss totals, keep everyone informed as to the contest progress, and answer questions that may arise. The cool thing about it is that everyone can post comments. Now is your chance to fire up your team, lay down challenges to the rest of us, and have fun!

It's been great hearing the enthusiasm about starting the contest. Almost (but not quite) makes you want to start now!

Speaking of questions, a frequently asked one is, "When will I know what team I'm on?" The answer is--after everyone's initial weigh-in on January 2nd. After Nurse Amie has the weights, we will make two teams with similar total weights. Then let the challenge begin...

I will send e-mail notices when this blog is updated, but check back frequently to see who has commented!